Friday, June 12, 2009

No compromises

Today, I write about events which happened about two weeks back. At that time, I was looking for suitable accomodation in Basel, and I was quite sure about what kind of apartment I would like to have. I wanted a one-room apartment with a decent sized kitchen and proper bathroom, with the shower and toilet together (and not separated, and of course not, with the shower in the kitchen, as in some Swiss houses). Most importantly, I wanted the internet. I had lately come to depend a lot on contact with the outside world and had come to hate the cocooned existence of a room sealed against it.
It seemed a little difficult to get something like that, coupled with the fact that I am still not sure about the duration of my stay in Basel.
I was expressing my views to a friend, who was sympathetically (God knows why!!!, for sure it was not like countries were at war) listening to me. I happened to mention that I was taking the help of some online real estate companies and so far, nothing had turned up according to my liking. She said, "You really cannot have everything. You have to compromise something."
I heard that and then our conversation turned to other matters, more interesting and more fun.
After a few days, I found an apartment with all I needed and with a balcony as a bonus. The last week I spent in adjusting, decorating and furnishing my new habitat. And, frankly, it is the first thing in my life that I can mould and dress according to my heart. Its a new feeling and I know it will pass soon, but at the moment, it gives me a peace I didn't know before. I might have to quit soon with a heavy penalty to pay, courtesy the unsurety of my current job. But, I refuse to think of that now.
Life, as usual, is rolling over everyone, and it sure is rolling over me. Ups and downs, more downs than ups........shitty things taking toll on everyday is the same for everyone as for me.......but hopefully, I have learnt something. I have no idea if anyone at all reads my blog, or if my writing can reach anyone, for me it is important to share this piece of realization to a non-existant reader. That there should be no compromises, no beginning which begins with a compromise can reach a desirable end!!! You either desire all or none!!! If reality doesn't give you all, you decorate your life around it to suit your need, but the essential desire should not contain a compromise!!!! Compromise to me is a sad word, a bad word.......a word that cannot justify a man's ability to furnish and decorate life around the eventual reality which in the end cannot be avoided.........

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